Onboarding employees: saving time and efficiency with communication automation
The topic of welcoming new employees (onboarding) is particularly topical in this period of school year. However, you will need to welcome newcomers all year round. Put newcomers in the best conditions from (and before) their arrival is an art! It is also a mix of organization, logistics and communication. In this article, we give you some tips for setting up an effective onboarding strategy that will save you
AstraZeneca chooses & shift to automate its IT communication
AstraZeneca, a major player in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide, renews its confidence in & shift by adopting the all-new Saas version of the first Communication Automation solution. The first users of the solution are the members of the IT team who have a strong need to communicate regularly with all employees of the company around topics such as the distribution of new IT equipment, training for use this new
100% automated newsletters with &shift
More than 10 years ago the e-mail must die and yet it is still there ... Indeed, still today, the newsletter remains an indispensable tool for the internal communicator and the operational departments for inform and engage employees. Yet too often, newsletter is synonymous with time-consuming task for those who are in charge of achieving it. And while the regularity of its distribution is a key element to increase
10 tips to create your internal newsletter (part 2)
In our previous article, we have presented a list of 5 tips to create a successful newsletter. Here are 5 additional tips on the process of internal newsletters creation. Design, personalization and sending frequency are as important as the previous elements we've presented on our blog. 6. Let’s get visual! It’s fundamental to insert at least an image in your newsletter, even if the subject of your email doesn’t
10 tips to create your internal newsletter (part 1)
Amongst all the communication tools that we have, newsletters have had a very important spot in internal communication for the past years. And for those who say that “email is dead”, well it’s not the case! Just think about the quantity of emails that we open every day: work emails, the newsletter of our favorite e-commerce websites, that of the association we’re part of. In a few words, emails are still highly used and read, in both our personal and professional life.
Better engage your collaborators by segmenting your database
The importance of segmentation An efficient internal communication can have a strong impact on the working conditions of your employees, their engagement level, but also on the results of their work and on your brand’s image.
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