Privacy First Marketing Automation

&shift was designed from the start with the protection of its users privacy at its core. Before the GDPR area, we had already implemented a lot of privacy protection features. Since we’ve pushed it further to :

  • make of our clients the best at privacy protection
  • keep our clients websites clean of cookie / GDPR consent banners

&shift is free up to 100 users, no credit card required

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Key Functionalities

What makes us the best Privacy friendly Marketing Automation platform ?

No massive personal data collection

We only collect events you need to trigger automations through a REST api, we do not provide a JS tracker / cookies for websites nor an E-Mail tracker

No data visible at the user level

We give you the information you need to measure the performance of your campaigns and contents, &shift cannot be used to see information at a user level

Encryption all the way

Your users Personal Data is safe with us, we use 256 AES encryption during trafic and optionally in database

Made and Hosted in Europe

&shift is proudly made in France. Our datacenters are in Europe for GDPR compliance. Let us know if you need &shift in your region !

Why don’t we use E-Mail trackers ?

1. They are intrusive

Knowing who opened an E-Mail, when and where, is very personal. If you are interested in E-Mail open data, we can add an Analytics tracker to your &shift E-Mails to collect anonymised data.

2. They are not reliable for automations

They do not work with all E-Mail clients or providers, people can disable images to prevent tracking. E-Mail opening is not a reliable data to trigger automations.

3. We provide other solutions to better trigger your automations

By using call to actions in your E-Mails, you will have a real measure of the engagement of your users with your contents.

1. Request an API key

Our team will help you get started with an API key to authenticate your calls.

2. Setup encryption using our public key

Calling our API requires encryption, we will provide the necessary information for you to get started depending on your environment.

3. Start triggering automations with API calls

You are ready to send events to &shift, our team will provide the full documentation of our APIs.

How to integrate &shift to a third party application ?

Get Started with &shift

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